Web3 Projects

and Accelerating

We're new, but this isn't our first rodeo. Founded in 2024 by accomplished entrepreneurs and investors Josef Holm and Alex Garcia, with decades of combined expertise in startups and investing spanning from Web1 to Web3, E-MAGINE Ventures is at the forefront of the next internet revolution. As a premier incubator and accelerator for top-tier Web3 projects, we specialize in high-growth verticals such as meme coins, gaming, AI, and commerce.

About Us

Our mission is to merge innovation and expertise to help shape the future of the internet. We are committed to supercharging the best Web3 projects by leveraging our vast experience, extensive network, and strategic funding to propel them to new heights.


Josef Holm

Web1-3 Entrepreneur & Investor

GP at Draper Goren Holm

Alex Garcia

Serial Entrepreneur & Investor
Former MoonPay Ventures

Josef Holm is a renowned internet entrepreneur and award-winning venture capitalist. As a General Partner at Draper Goren Holm, Josef has a proven track record of identifying and nurturing high-potential blockchain and crypto startups.

With 8 years of experience in Web3 and over 25 years as an internet entrepreneur, he brings invaluable insights and strategic guidance to E-MAGINE Ventures, ensuring that each project we incubate and accelerate is positioned for success.

Alex Garcia is a successful serial entrepreneur and investor with a rich background in the crypto and fintech sectors.

Before co-founding E-MAGINE Ventures, Alex helped found MoonPay Ventures, where he led numerous high-impact projects and investment initiatives. His expertise in scaling businesses and deep understanding of the crypto ecosystem make him a pivotal force in driving the growth and innovation of our portfolio companies.


Martin Půlpán

Jan Zibner

Vojtech Rychnovsky

Jozef Barniak

Web3 Ecosystem & Growth

Legal & Compliance


Project Manager

Paweł Belczak

Smart Contract Developer

Martin Váša

Creative Director

Investment Thesis

We only work with projects where we know we can add more value than money, committing to high-conviction plays. We aim to incubate and accelerate 10-15 exceptional projects each year. This concentrated approach allows us to provide comprehensive support and resources to each project, ensuring they can achieve exponential growth.

We invest between $250,000 to $500,000 per project.

Our funding is designed to cover critical development stages, from initial incubation to market launch and scaling.

Portfolio Strategy

Investment Range

Fomo Bull Club


Unruggable Memecoin Launchpad & Liquidity Platform

Fomo Bull Club is a decentralized launchpad and liquidity platform that supports memecoins on the Base blockchain and plans to expand to Solana, Ethereum, Polygon, and others. FOMO BULL CLUB addresses rug pulls and scams by ensuring transparent and secure launches, enforcing KYC/AML, and combining robust community engagement with high-value rewards.

Rewardable is an innovative Task-to-Earn (T2E) platform designed to boost user engagement in Web3 by connecting projects with its global community of verified users, dubbed Web3 Ninjas, through tasks and micro-jobs.

Task-to-Earn Platform for Web3 Tasks and Micro-Jobs.



Memebets is a decentralized peer-to-peer game where users predict the price movements of popular memecoins. Players can forecast whether top memecoins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Pepe, Dogewithhat, and Bonk will rise or fall.

Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Price Prediction Game

Strategic Planning

Define clear objectives, key performance indicators, and align strategic roadmaps with market demands.

Market Analysis

Gain insights into market trends and competitor landscapes, and develop customer segmentation strategies.

Brand Developnent

Technology Consulting

Build robust brand identities and craft compelling messaging and marketing initiatives.

AI and blockchain technology implementation, and scalable solution development.

Tokenomics Consulting

Growth Hacking

Financial Planning

Exchange Listing Support

Designing token models for usability and retention, including issuance, pricing strategies, and token allocations.

Innovative marketing strategies for rapid growth through social media, content creation, and referral programs.

Guidance on raising capital and managing finances, with support for budgeting and forecasting.

Navigate exchange listing processes and prepare for due diligence requirements.

UX/UI Design

Network Building

Product Development and Innovation

Create intuitive and engaging user interfaces to enhance customer satisfaction and engagement.

Facilitate connections with key industry partners and investors.

Continuous guidance on product iteration and innovation.

Advisory Services

Our Ecosystem